Abstract submission deadline: April 1, 2025
Submission of Abstracts:
Abstract submission will be done via the ONLINE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION SYSTEM.
- Abstracts will only be accepted as Poster and oral presentations.
- Abstracts must comply with research and publication ethics.
- Case reports, study protocols and reviews (except meta-analysis) will not be accepted as oral presentations.
- Abstracts should be 300 words in English.
- Abstracts of research articles should consist of Backround and Aim, Methods, Results and Conclusions sections. There should be no tables and figures in the text.
- Case reports should consist of Objective, Case and Discussion sections.
- Attention to those who will apply for abstract submission: In order to reduce the number of rejections and correction suggestions:
- In research abstracts, the ethics committee decision number should be indicated, and in case abstracts, it should be stated with appropriate expressions that consent was obtained from the person.
- Numerical data (mean, median, standard deviation, etc.), units (mg, dl, etc.), and statistical values (p, beta, r, etc.) should be presented in the abstract.
- Do not use tables and references.
- The scholarship is only for PAT members. Scholarship applications will be completed during abstract submissions. Scholarship application documents should be uploaded to the Online Abstract System. For detailed information, please see the "Scholarships" tab on the website.
Abstract Evaluation Process:
Your submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the referees.
1st referee evaluation process on April 10, 2025,
On April 13, 2025, the 2nd referee evaluation process will be completed (for abstracts with editing suggestions by the referees)
On April 14, 2025, the results of the abstracts will be announced and the final letters will be sent (can be followed via the online abstract submission system).